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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


You Write The Grant - Part 1

Thursday, October 25, 2018 - 8:30am to 11:30am
A.I. Root Candle Community Room, 623 W. Liberty St., Medina, OH 44256
Contact email:
Contact name:
Kyle White

You Write the Grant   a 2-day series  


Class 1: October 25, using a grant request you have selected and un-der the guidance of the instructor, you will write the draft of the grant proposal. 

Class 2: November 16, members of the class will critique each others work and finalize their grant proposal. 

The goal is for each member of the class to leave with a completed, ready to submit proposal.  This is a two class workshop. You can select either a morning or afternoon session.  Join us on October 25 and November 16— and look forward to submitting a winning proposal at the conclusion of the class! 

This class is taught by Kyle White, Community Development Educator for OSU Extension Medina County

Date:  October 25, 2018 and November 16, 2018

TIME: 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM  

LOCATION: A.I. Root Candle Community Room, 623 W. Liberty St., Medina, OH 44256

Cost: $100 includes both days and all materials

DEADLINE:  October 19th