Medina County 4-H Apparel Ordering
Clubs and Committees cannot write checks to an individual unless it is a reimbursement with a valid receipt.
What does this mean?
If your club is raising money to donate to an individual, you should not be depositing the money into the club account. There are several options:
1) Take the cash raised and either obtain a cashier’s check from the bank where your account is or get a Money Order from a convenience store. Fees will vary for this service, so contact the bank or convenience store regarding their fees. (i.e. FirstMerit stated their fee is $10.)
2) Find out if there is a benevolent account set up for the individual or family.
3) Find out if another organization is or has raised funds for the individual. An example could be, if the PTA is raising money for the “Doe” family and the club raised $500 for the “Doe” family, ask the PTA if you can write a check to the PTA for $500 in honor of the “Doe” family. The PTA would then write a check to the “Doe” family on behalf of the 4-H Club.
If you are giving a scholarship to an individual, the check must be written to the institution, not the individual.
Fundraising Approval Request Form
This form must be completed and returned to the Extension Office 14 days before any fundraising event/activity of a club or a committee.
All Fundraising must follow Ohio 4-H Guidelines as posted at
OSU Food Service and Preparation Policy
Here is a link of OSU’s policy on Food Service and Preparation
Please review and complete the Occasional Quantity Cook training course before considering making food for groups of people. Please either email or make a copy and submit it with our office.