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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Entomology; Produce Good Agricultural Practices; GAPS Team; ENLT Team; Woodland Steward Team
Medina County

Kulhanek joined OSU Extension in 2013, but has been with Ohio State University (OSU) for many years.  She earned her Master's of Science in Entomology at OSU and began working as a Program Coordinator for the Good Agricultural Practices Team at OSU's Ohio Agricultural Research Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster.  Kulhanek uses these experiences to provide research-based information and programming about on-farm food safety regulations; pest management; invasive species like emerald ash borer; conservation; and horticulture to Medina County and the state.

Some past programs offered include: fruit tree pruning, on-farm solar energy, tree ID, invasive species, native pollinators, and growing berries.  She also is the coordinator of the OSU Master Gardener Volunteers of Medina County.

  • Ashley is a member of the statewide Extension Nursery, Landscape, and Turf Team (ENLTT) that provides OSU Green Industry Short Course.  She is also a writer and contributor for the Buckeye Yard and Garden Online (BYGL), a weekly newsletter provided by ENLTT April through October.
  • Ashley is a member of the Ohio Woodland Stewards Program.
  • Ashley is an active member of the State Produce Safety GAPS Team, which teaches Good Agricultural Practices to produce growers; auction and market managers; and other industry stakeholders across the state to prepare for the Food and Drug Adminstration Food Safety Modernization Act.
  • Ashley trains new Master Gardener Volunteers in EVEN years August through October, continuing to grow the county's active volunteer program that provides outreach to homeowners in consumer horticulture.