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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Ohio State University Extension in Medina does NOT perform soil or water tests on site.

Soil Testing

Soil samples must be mailed by a homeowner to a soil lab of his or her choosing. Soil tests range in price. We suggest contacting a few different labs before choosing one in order to compare pricing and compare what information each lab provides in their soil test.  Instructions on soil sampling and a list of soil laboratories in Ohio can be found at the link below.


OSU Extension Office, Medina Ohio

4046 Medina Rd., Medina, OH 44256 / pH: 330-725-4911

  • $15 per test
  • You pay for the test at the office, cash or check only, and take it home to fill with 1 cup of soil (follow how to take a good sample instructions)
  • Mail at your own cost by weight.  Approximately 6+ stamps required or take to your post office.
  • Allow time for shipping, testing, and results to be returned.
  • The $15 covers the cost of the basic lab test, does not include cost of shipping.


Medina County Soil and Water Conservation District, Medina, OH

6090 Wedgewood Rd (rt 161)., Medina, OH /  pH: 330.722.9322

  • $18.00 per sample 
  • Bring 2 cups of soil in ziplock to their location. They will process and mail to lab.


This list is provided to the public for informational purposes only. Inclusion on this list does not serve as an endorsement or approval of services, vendors, or companies by the Ohio State University or OSU Extension. The Ohio State University is not responsible for persons who use information from this form or any business transactions 


Hay & Forage Testing

Don't guess, Forage Test!

Why test? There are significant differences in forage quality, and therefore value.  Knowing nutrition can help save on supplemental feeding too!  Differentiate your product by providing quality and nutrient information for your hay.  

  • Forage probe is available to borrow from the OSU Extension Office.  A Refundable deposit of $150.00 is required to cover the replacement cost of the probe if it is not returned.  Your check or cash is returned upon the return of the probe.



Labs and Resources for Forage Testing:


Ohio State University Sustainable AgroEcosystems Lab, Dr. Marilia Chiavegato, 202 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Rd., Columbus OH 43210.  

Price Range: $21.00 - $23.00

Tests and Pricing Here

How to submit for testing


Holmes Lab, Millersburg OH, pH: 330.893.2933

Rock River Lab, Apple Creek OH, pH: 330.462.6041

  • NIR Extra $19.00
  • NDF Digestibility $24.50  ("NIR Extra" PLUS relative feed quality and digestability)
  • Comprehensive Nutrition $30.00 (Everything)  
  • (prices as of Oct, 22, 2019)

Spectrum Analytic, Washington Court House OH, pH: 800.321.1562

  • Price Range: $13 - $32, contact lab for details.

Dairy One, Ithaca NY, pH: 800.496.3344

  • Prices: contact lab


Plant Pests and Diseases

At the main campus of Ohio State University there is a Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic (PPDC) that can help homeowners and horticulture industry stakeholders to diagnose potential problems with trees, shrubs, annual or perennial landscape plants and also LAWN and SPORTS TURF. 

For a FEE, individuals can mail a sample to Columbus (overnight shipping is required to preserve sample).  Certain criteria does apply to the quality and size of the sample.

PPDC will assess the sample for symptoms of fungal and bacterial pathogens or signs of insect or other pest damage.  A report will be returned with their findings.  Poor samples may reveal negative results.  If a cause is identified, instructions for correction will be shared, if solutions are available for the particular disease or pest identified.

Master Gardener Horticultural Hotline

Master Gardener Hotline is a FREE service provided to the community by trained volunteers of the Ohio State University.  The Master Gardener Volunteers of Medina are available to help homeowners with consumer-scale horticultural issues such as garden pests or garden diseases.  Volunteers work to research the potential plant problem and offer factsheets and information to improve plant health. However, we do not have a plant pathology lab on site.  If volunteers are unable to identify the problem, clients will be referred onto the PPDC Clinic (above) for further investigation at the client's expense.

Water Testing

OSU Extension does not collect nor analyze water samples at the office.

For well or cistern water that is used in the home for drinking and bathing, contact your local health department to discuss water sampling and testing. 

For concerns about chemical or mineral content in your water, you may contact a private lab approved by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and arrange a sample.  Contact a few laboratories to compare prices.  Some water tests can be expensive depending on what you would like the water tested for.

Mineral / Rock Identification

OSU Extension does not identify rocks and minerals at the office

The Cleveland Museum of Natural History has a Minerology Services Lab.  

From their site: "The Department of Mineralogy has a full-service petrographic laboratory where they can produce thin sections and polished sections with quick turnaround times. It also is equipped with a Zeiss Ultraphot and Nikon E400 POL microscopes. When the laboratory is in use for cutting rocks, visual identification of single rock or mineral specimens is offered free of charge. Phase identifications through thin section and/or XRPD are also available for a fee. Contact the curator for fees and to schedule an appointment."