CliftonStrengths Coaching by Gallup
A workshop for individuals, teams and managers, organizations, and educators.
Beginning with a CliftonStrengths Assessment, our team helps individuals build self-awareness by studying their strengths, balconies, basements, and by examining challenges that impact desired outcomes. Ongoing coaching is available. Mapping the strengths in a team builds understanding of the impact of different strengths in communication, values, and bias. Enhanced understanding often removes barriers and builds a cohesive collaborative team. A strength-based culture in an organization is proven to improve productivity, employee retention, and engagement. Our team facilitates the Strengths philosophy in individual or group sessions across the state.
Participants will:
- discover what they naturally do best
- learn how to develop their greatest talents into strengths
- use their personalized results and reports to maximize their potential
Areas of Coaching Expertise
- Career
- Executive Coaching
- Government
- Healthcare
- Leadership
- Life Coaching
- Sales
- Small Business/Entrepreneurs
- Team
- Women
Available Coaching Methods
- Corporate Training Programs
- In-Person
- Individual (In-Person, Phone or Skype)
- Keynote Speaker
- Phone
- Seminars and Retreats
Contact: Kyle White