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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Ohio State Extension Community Development, in collaboration with the Medina County Career Center (MCCC) partnered with the Medina Explorers to bring the firefighter and pipfitter experience to the kids.  Challenges included “Gear Up”, Water Bottle Flip and Pipefitters Assembly.  How long would it take you to “Gear Up” into a firefighter’s uniform?  37 seconds was the record from the TeenFest Gear Up Challenge Teens.  Youth of all ages participated in the challenges!  Lots of fun while learning about additional options that are available to 11th & 12th graders  at the Career Center.  Hundreds of youths crowded the Medina Square to play games, watch jousting, eat, and meet new friends.

We are looking forward to next year!

Brutus and Mounted Police

Mayor and Wife


Firefighter Dress up

Teen Fest