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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


 Nutrition Programming: 

We teach a variety of programs on nutrition including Mindful Eating, Eating Heart-Healthy, Instant Pot 101, and more. OSU Extension offers a program called Mindful Wellness which gives an overview on the science behind the art of mindfulness as well as the health benefits of stress reduction. Utilize some mindful, relaxation tools to live a more mindful, less-stressed and healthier life.

If you are interested in an of these classes, contact Erin at or by calling our office! 


Nutrition and Wellness Resources and Links

Food Preservation fact sheets help you safely can, freeze, pickle, and make jams and jellies.  OSU Extension. is a one-stop place for anything you ever wanted to know about how to keep your food safe and healthy for you and your family.  The Ohio State University.

Food Nutrition, Safety, and Cooking contains practical answers to your food questions.  University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension. features the latest recommendations on portion sizes and which foods to eat more and less of.  United States Department of Agriculture. has user-friendly information for keeping food safe from bacteria.  Partnership for Food Safety Education.

National Center for Home Food Preservation provides current research-based recommendations for home food preservation. has user-friendly information and tools to help you and those you care about stay healthy.  US Department of Health and Human Services. helps you to make informed food choices and develop sound eating and physical activity habits.  American Dietetic Association.